AIRHEAD’s SunComfort Noodle provides hours of playtime for kids in the pool and is an effective buoyancy aid for all ages. Great for lakes and ocean too, so be sure to keep a bunch in your boat! Soft, luxurious and made from durable EcoCell foam. 45” x 5” x 1 ¾”.
AIRHEAD的SunComfort浮棒為游泳池中的孩子是所有年齡段的有效浮力援助。 可在湖泊和海洋中使用。柔軟,由耐用EcoCell泡沫製成。 尺寸為45“x 5”x 1¾“。
AIRHEAD’s SunComfort Noodle (Blue/ Orange)/ AIRHEAD的SunComfort浮棒 (橙/藍)